Describe the steps in preparing for conducting and following up on an interview session

Describe the steps in preparing for conducting and following up on an interview session.


Steps in Preparing for the interview:

  1. Determine the objectives of the interview: interview must have a particular objective and must be able to achieve the predetermined objectives.
  2. Set the questions and issues to be discussed: try to set the possible questions and issues to be discussed so far.
  3. Set time and locations: make sure the timing and locations must be provided to the participants correctly.
  4. Review the related documents and materials.
  5. Determine team members to be involved: make sure team members are included in the interview.

Steps During the interview:

  1. Timings: Must be on time so that you don’t need to be in rush or be feared of the interview. You can have time to relax if you are a bit earlier.
  2. Body postures: Must maintain good body postures and keep smiles on your face.
  3. Take good notes about the interview thoroughly.
  4. Make notes of unanswered questions.
  5. Look for exceptions and errors.


Steps After the interview:

  1. Analyse the interview: Make notes of the questions you were asked and go through them carefully look at what you missed and try to make it good as it will help you in other interview as well.
  2. Inform your references : inform your reference beforehand as they might get called from the company you interviewed for.
  3. Follow up: if you don’t get any responses within the few days don’t hesitate to give a call or sent an email for updates.
  4. Don’t forget to thank participants of the interview for their presence.
  5. Always try to follow up unanswered questions after interview.

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