Which of the following is not part of performance testing?

Which of the following is not part of performance testing?

Which of the following is not part of performance testing? A) simulating many users B) measuring response times C) generating many transactions D) recovery testing Answer: D) recovery testing Explanation: In software engineering, performance testing is in general, a testing practice performed to determine how a system performs in terms of responsiveness and stability under a … Read more

State Management Overview in Web Technology

State Management Overview in Web Technology

What is state management? The practice of preserving and monitoring the current state of an application or system is referred to as “state management.” In web technology, this usually means managing the state of a web application, like a website or web-based app.  Because a web application typically consists of multiple components, such as server-side … Read more

Web Design and Development

Web Design and Development Topic: Arrays and Collections in C# Exercise 1 – Answer the following questions: • Why would you use an array instead of creating multiple variables with various names? Variables can only hold one value at a time, so you would use an array to hold multiple variables. Arrays also prevents the … Read more