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What is the difference between credit report and credit score?
Credit report
A credit report is a comprehensive and detailed document that meticulously documents the credit history and financial activities of an individual. The information contained within it is extensive in scope, encompassing credit account information, payment history, outstanding obligations, public records including bankruptcies, and inquiries initiated by creditors. The principal purpose of a credit report is to provide a comprehensive summary of an individual’s creditworthiness for the benefit of creditors, lenders, and financial institutions.
A credit report, in contrast to a credit score, does not allocate a precise numerical value. Conversely, it functions as an exhaustive and comprehensive documentation that enables creditors to evaluate the potential hazards linked to credit extending or money lending. Credit reporting agencies perform routine updates to credit reports, typically on a monthly schedule, to ensure that the data remains accurate and current in relation to an individual’s financial conduct.
Credit score
A credit score is a succinct numerical depiction of an individual’s creditworthiness, as opposed to a credit report. Credit scores are computed through the utilisation of sophisticated algorithms, taking into account a multitude of elements including payment conduct, credit utilisation, credit history length, credit categories in operation, and recent credit applications. Lenders are able to obtain a rapid assessment of the risk associated with extending credit based on the resultant three-digit number, which typically amounts to 850 to 300.
Creditworthiness is positively correlated with higher credit scores, whereas a greater risk of default is associated with lower scores. Credit scores are of significant importance as they have a direct impact on lending decisions, including terms, interest rates, and loan approval. Credit bureaus or online platforms provide access to these reports for both lenders and individuals, enabling one to promptly evaluate the credit risk associated with a given individual.
Difference between Credit score and Credit report
The table below gives the detail information about the Difference between Credit score and Credit report. Click here if you like to see the Difference between Public and Private Sector.

Understanding the difference between credit score and credit report is important for individuals managing their credit and for lenders assessing creditworthiness. A credit score provides a numerical summary, whereas a credit report provides a more complete picture of a person’s credit history. Both are critical tools for making financial decisions.
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