Concept and Meaning Of Itinerary

What is the legal definition of itinerary? A tour plan is another term for an itinerary. It is connected to tour programmes, timetables, and information about the destinations to visit. An itinerary covers the date, day, time duration, and sites of interest between the destinations, the route to the destination, the particular features of the … Read more

Problems Of Agricultural Marketing

Agricultural marketing is important in the agricultural supply chain and food distribution system. However, it is filled with a number of obstacles and issues that might have far-reaching consequences for farmers, consumers, and the global economy. Here are some of the main Problems of Agricultural Marketing: Problems of Agricultural Marketing Lack of Market Access Due … Read more

Difference between Organizational Culture and Climate

Difference between Organizational Culture and Climate Organisational culture and organisational climate are two concepts that define various aspects of a company’s work environment. Let’s see what are the Difference between Organizational Culture and Climate. Organisational culture The underlying values, beliefs, norms, and common assumptions that define the behaviour and thinking of individuals inside an organisation … Read more

What is Human Resource Inventory?

What is Human Resource Inventory?

Human Resource Inventory Human resource inventory is focused on informing the organisation about the abilities of individual personnel. Through Human Resources Information System HRIS, it collects and reports on employee information such as names, education, training, former jobs, current positions, performance evaluations, and so on. The HR inventory profile assists in determining what skills are … Read more

Advantages of DBMS over Traditional Filing System

Advantages of DBMS over Traditional Filing System

Advantages of DBMS over Traditional Filing System File System: A DBMS that permits access to a single file or table at a time is referred to as a file management system. Data is directly stored in a collection of files in a file system. It contains flat files that are independent of one another (a … Read more

Importance of Demand Analysis in Business Decision Making

What are the Importance of Demand Analysis in Business Decision Making ?Demand analysis is crucial for business decision making as it provides valuable insights into consumer behavior, market dynamics, and competitive landscape. The demand analysis is taken as tip point of several decisions made by business in order to stay in the markets and attract customers. … Read more

What may happen if you set the momentum hyperparameter too close to 1 (e.g., 0.99999) when using an SGD optimizer?

When using an SGD optimizer, if you set the momentum hyperparameter too near to one (e.g., 0.99999), the algorithm may fluctuate around the optimal result. This is because the momentum term will lead the algorithm to continue moving in the same direction even though it is no longer moving towards its optimal result. This can … Read more

Explain the concept of Backpropagation Algorithm

What is Backpropagation Algorithm?

What is Backpropagation Algorithm? Backpropagation Algorithm is a machine learning technique that is used to train artificial neural networks. It is a gradient-based optimisation approach that computes the gradient of the loss function in relation to the parameters of the model. The gradient is then used to update the parameters of the model in the … Read more

Mutual Funds Vs Equity: Which one is Better Investment?

Mutual Funds Vs Equity

Mutual Funds Vs Equity: An Overview Equity investments and mutual funds are two common choices in the financial market. Mutual funds combine the funds of many individuals to make investments in a professionally managed, diversified portfolio of securities. For small-scale individual investors, they provide accessibility, convenience, and diversification. Equity investments, on the other hand, entail … Read more

Communications planning: Which organisations should be involved in communications planning?

Communications planning

Which organisations should be involved in communications planning? A) Planning SectionB) Area CommandC) All StakeholdersD) MAC Groups The Correct Answer for the given Question is  C) All Stakeholders Why stakeholders must be included in communications planning? Stakeholders should be involved in communications planning because they have an interest in the project or initiative being discussed. … Read more

Types Of Merchant Wholesalers

Types Of Merchant Wholesalers What is a merchant wholesalers? A merchant wholesaler is a business that buys large quantities of products or goods from manufacturers, producers, or other suppliers and sells them in smaller quantities to retailers or other businesses. Merchant wholesalers often act as go-betweens for the manufacturer and the retailer or end user. … Read more

Life insurance policy that generates immediate cash

Life insurance policy that generates immediate cash

Which type of life insurance policy generates immediate cash value If you are seeking which type of life insurance policy generates immediate cash value, you have few choices. Single premium, whole life insurance or universal life insurance policies are virtually the only options for immediate cash value. What You Should Know Single premium life insurance … Read more

Difference between increase in demand and increase in quantity demanded

What is the difference between increase in demand and increase in quantity demanded Although increase in demand and increase in quantity demanded may sound similar, the terms “increase in demand” and “increase in quantity demanded” in economics have different meanings. Making business decisions and analysing market trends require an understanding of the differences between the … Read more