Why should the Six-Step Process be considered an iterative process?

Write 3 to 5 architectural principles that will guide the enterprise system architects in the design of the open, secure, and reliable system.

  • Priority of principles
  • Priority of principles
  • Information management is everyone’s concern.
  • Following the laws
  • Intellectual property protection

EA has four primary domains. They are business architecture, information architecture, applications architecture, and technology architecture. Identify examples for each of these domains.

some examples of business architecture: 

  • The Money Collection Business is 100% Brick and Mortar – all money is gathered in the real world.
  • The 100% Online & Digital Company – all business runs online & digital.

Information architecture examples include: 

• The Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA) is the vehicle that gives the “roadmap” to the “architected” environment.

some examples of application architecture:

  • To reflect applications, application architecture connects data and business architecture.
  • It facilitates the work activities of business operations and offers automated procedures.
  • Application Architecture regulates information storage and retrieval to support enterprise goals. It discuss location issues as well as use of information .

Technology architecture examples

  • Shows the existing technological environment as well as the intended future technical environment, making it easier to design a migration plan.
  • It also comprises an inventory of the existing technological environment (e.g., number of DBMSs supported in-house, etc.). Current systems can be “mapped” to technical components as well.

What is the relationship between an organization’s specific architecture development process and the Six-Step Process?

The high-level, 6-step architecture development process provides advice to the architect and Architectural Description creation team and stresses the guiding principles, which is equivalent to an organization’s own architecture development process. The approach is data-centric rather than product-centric (e.g., rather than DoDAF, it stresses focus on data and links among and within data).


Why should the Six-Step Process be considered an iterative process?

The six-step procedure is consider as iterative because: 

It is efficient. Instead of having to rethink an entire plan when changes occur, you may construct your product step by step. Furthermore, sharing of the team’s burden more effectively throughout the project’s development lifetime.

It’s on time. The initial iteration allows you to design the functionality that is most important to you. Each iteration is based on any improvements found in the previous cycle, and continuous testing provides you with a clear picture of your project’s status. Because each iteration is a managed milestone, you can see the results quickly and frequently.

It is inexpensive. Any changes to the project’s scope or requirements, which are common in most projects, are less expensive than using the Waterfall method.

It is collaborative. You may show stakeholders and clients the results of each iteration. They may track the progress of the project and check that you are reaching their expectations.

It enhances usability. Smaller iterations make testing and debugging easier because flaws can be identified early in the process .

It eliminates ambiguity. With each iteration, you can uncover inconsistencies or defects in requirements, design, code, and other implementations, allowing you to avoid misunderstandings.

Risk management is simplified. You start with the most dangerous parts of a project, and each iteration allows you to discover and resolve hazards.

Also Read: What is an Operating System ?

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